Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sea World Admission for Homeschoolers $6.00

Home Schooling in Southern California has it's advantages. There are many places that offer discounts to HomeSchoolers. Here are a few that we have found. Please feel free to comment on deals that you are aware of.

Sea World-http://seaworldparks.com/en/seaworld-sandiego/Educational-Programs/Home-School

Available Dates
Oct. 10
Nov. 7

Jan. 23
Feb. 6
Mar. 6
Apr. 17
May 1

Instructional Field Trip program
9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
$6 per person.
Free for Passport members and Fun Card members.
Students, chaperones, and teachers pay the same low rate.
Full Day Instructional Field Trip program
Make the most of your time as you combine animals, shows, rides and education for a one-of-a-kind day at SeaWorld.
$30 fee per person for San Diego County School program participants. (Non-San Diego County Schools receive a reduced admission fee of $40 per person for an all-day field trip that includes shows, rides and attractions.)
Free for Passport members and Fun Card members.
Enhance your learning experience by adding on an In-Depth Tour.
We require at least one adult for every 10 students. The maximum ratio for Home Schools is one adult per one student. Extra adults and siblings not participating in the field trip with the school pay 20% off the regular SeaWorld admission price.
Education rates are available only by advance reservation and apply only to school groups of 10 or more paying participants. Prices are subject to change. For reservations or information please call (800) 25-SHAMU Press 4.