Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to learn a foreign language in 2012

Growing up in an English speaking family I often took for granted the opportunities to learn a foreign language. In school I took the standard Spanish and French classes. Unlike some, I only came away with the ability to chirp a few common phrases such as: Hello! Welcome! How are you? How do I say? Goodbye and most importantly, Where is the bathroom?  I became linguistically encaged much like a parrot Bacaw` Hola, Bienvenidos, Como Esta? Como se dice? Adios and Donde esta el bano? Bacaw!!!

 Throughout the years I have often regretted not taking the time to learn how to conversate in a foreign language. As the world shrinks and people of all cultures merge....I think of how nice it would be to communicate freely with others. It certainly would improve my ability to get or remain gainfully employed...right?

  But working, having children and being downright busy in general, dampened the hope of me ever doing so..or at least that is what I thought. And then I remembered something that I grew up being taught. That life itself is one of the best schools, or as someone is the best university.

So how could I employ that logic and put it to good use in my endeavor to learn a foreign language?

Actually its pretty simple!

Do you want to learn a foreign language without going to school? With a busy schedule? With kids running around you? At work? In school? Online? Here are a few suggestions.

  The first involves other people. I prefer this method, especially if you like myself...are a bit shy. Purchase either a writing tablet or a small notebook 5x7 even a small pocket know the one that has the spiralling on top and you can stick a small pen through the top? Or you could just use your cell phone. All of them have a notes feature.

  My foreign language of choice is Spanish. For the sake of example, I'll refer to only it. If you are like me and have relatives that speak Spanish. Go to them! At each visit have them teach you at least one phrase that you commonly use. For example when I visit my Grandmother she always offers me a cup of tea and cookies. So I would ask her to teach me how to ask her for a cup of tea and cookies in Spanish. Write it down, including the proper way to respond. Also write the way that she offers the tea and cookies.  And from that point on WE MUST speak ONLY in Spanish when it comes to tea and cookies. Practice at home. Offer tea and cookies to the kids in Spanish and have them respond ONLY in Spanish.

  When out and about, why not ask a person who speaks a foreign language how to say something? At a museum? Ask how to say "that is a beautiful piece of art work." At a restaurant? Ask how to order your favorite dish in only Spanish. Write it down....write English translation under it.

At the mall, doctors office, school, work..etc. You may be surprised how many people you come across that speak the language you desire.

Remember the key is to write it down, even if you cannot spell it....just write it how it sounds and under it put the English translation. If the cashier speaks Spanish go to her line and ask her to teach you ONE phrase every time she sees you.
How much do I owe you?
Here is your change.
How is your day going?
What is on sale? etc....

The point is that wherever you are..the world is your classroom. Meet people, ask questions. But do not bombard them. Ask only 1 question at a time. This will keep you from becoming overwhelmed and neither will they. They won't run every time they see you. Instead you will both look forward to your interactions.

Use what you are learning. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. From that point on if you know how to say it in the Foreign it.! Even when speaking to an English speaking individual repeat the Spanish phrase mentally. You are making a mental imprint.

If you cannot speak to people or do not have any foreign speaking family members. Write down some of the things you say in English througout the day and Google it. The best way to learn is by hearing so look for videos. Mispronunciation can often change what you are trying to say entirely. You dont want to offend someone.

Why it Works
Think about it!! How old are you? Let's say for the sake of example you are 30, and for the last ten years you constantly added not just words, but phrases to your vocabulary. What would you know by now? So in the next 10 years what can you accomplish? Let's just say you learn two simple phrases a 10 years that's 1040 additional phrases...not words but actual interactions. Since the human brain often works as a decoder, you will in time begin to gain a more rapid understanding of the overall 1040 phrases becomes a conservative number. It could be thousands of phrases in those years.

Many people learn differently. For those who have busy lifestyles, it doesn't have to mean the end of learning. Some of us really do not have the time to add more to our plate. We do not want to sacrifice the quality of our families. By letting the world around you serve as a teacher, the possibilities are endless. So take a few seconds a week to learn something new. And you just might:
Tome un paseo por la vida y convertirse en un viajero en el camino.