Thursday, November 1, 2012

Capability vs Copability

First off Copability (some would argue) is not exactly a real word. But the idea of coping or accepting something as is. Capability is the ability to perform actions.

Just this week I learned something new. Algebra! For those of you who mastered it early on, congratulations...I'm jealous, I did not! For years I was stumped. Math stressed me out!!!! I earned the worst grades and felt as though math would always be a path to an insurmountable mountain..that I daaare not travel. Sound familiar??

 And then it happened!! My child entered 6th grade. In the world of math that meant Geometry and Algebra(Que screeching scary movie music)...A-N-D Algerbraaaa!.... No biggie right? Except for one thing, I am a home school Mom! Yikes!!

 There are few things that I've hated more in life...sewing, canned beets (I thought it was cranberry sauce) and movies with sad endings( The Perfect Storm, to be exact). Anyhow Math was right up there.

Having children though can have a wonderful affect. It can propel you forward in areas and directions, you may have never seen yourself....especially when the word  H-E-L-P!!! is employed.

So there we are, both staring at the book, trying to figure out, guess and come up with the right way of doing these algebraic equations. You ever look at your child, when its something you SHOULD know..but you have NO IDEA whatsoever? You ask, "what do YOU think it is?" Hoping something logical comes that you can go with it. Scary side note...went to a Dr. one day. My husband explained that when he bent forward, he had shortness of breath and a pain. Her response? "What do you think it is?" Oooooooh not good, not good.

So finally I get the book. I read all of the instructions and examples. I look at all of the odd problems and try to work them out. Because the answers are in the back, right? Well that helped...kinda....not really. I still couldn't really help her. So I went to school for a day. I went back to the beginning of her lessons and learned the way she would. K-12 is pretty neat in this area. The online side has lessons with games. I read, I played, and finally, I got it!

Anyhow the reason why I wrote this is because for years I thought..I felt... I KNEW!! that I could not do math. I settled for just being bad at something because it was okay. Copability!! One day a relative explained how many in my family were not only good at math, but extremely gifted. It hit me a little...hmm maybe I am capable. When the challenge presented itself. I faced it with a different perspective. The result was that not only was I capable, but actually pretty good.

Teaching capability is important in two ways. It teaches us that we CAN do the things we like and need to do, when we put in effort and our mind to it. It also helps us to understand that we are capable of Good, and Bad. Understanding this is so important. If we understand that we...the nice person that WE THINK we are, is capable of wrong, we can take REAL steps in the right direction. We can even avoid a path in the wrong direction, that can be damaging in many ways.  We can use this ability to either propel or prevent a certain course. Most importantly we can teach our children this mindset.

So now that I have tackled Algebra, that leaves sewing and canned beets. Since no one will rewrite The Perfect Storm with an unrealistic but happy ending, I think I'll get the sewing machine out and leave the beets in the can!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to learn a foreign language in 2012

Growing up in an English speaking family I often took for granted the opportunities to learn a foreign language. In school I took the standard Spanish and French classes. Unlike some, I only came away with the ability to chirp a few common phrases such as: Hello! Welcome! How are you? How do I say? Goodbye and most importantly, Where is the bathroom?  I became linguistically encaged much like a parrot Bacaw` Hola, Bienvenidos, Como Esta? Como se dice? Adios and Donde esta el bano? Bacaw!!!

 Throughout the years I have often regretted not taking the time to learn how to conversate in a foreign language. As the world shrinks and people of all cultures merge....I think of how nice it would be to communicate freely with others. It certainly would improve my ability to get or remain gainfully employed...right?

  But working, having children and being downright busy in general, dampened the hope of me ever doing so..or at least that is what I thought. And then I remembered something that I grew up being taught. That life itself is one of the best schools, or as someone is the best university.

So how could I employ that logic and put it to good use in my endeavor to learn a foreign language?

Actually its pretty simple!

Do you want to learn a foreign language without going to school? With a busy schedule? With kids running around you? At work? In school? Online? Here are a few suggestions.

  The first involves other people. I prefer this method, especially if you like myself...are a bit shy. Purchase either a writing tablet or a small notebook 5x7 even a small pocket know the one that has the spiralling on top and you can stick a small pen through the top? Or you could just use your cell phone. All of them have a notes feature.

  My foreign language of choice is Spanish. For the sake of example, I'll refer to only it. If you are like me and have relatives that speak Spanish. Go to them! At each visit have them teach you at least one phrase that you commonly use. For example when I visit my Grandmother she always offers me a cup of tea and cookies. So I would ask her to teach me how to ask her for a cup of tea and cookies in Spanish. Write it down, including the proper way to respond. Also write the way that she offers the tea and cookies.  And from that point on WE MUST speak ONLY in Spanish when it comes to tea and cookies. Practice at home. Offer tea and cookies to the kids in Spanish and have them respond ONLY in Spanish.

  When out and about, why not ask a person who speaks a foreign language how to say something? At a museum? Ask how to say "that is a beautiful piece of art work." At a restaurant? Ask how to order your favorite dish in only Spanish. Write it down....write English translation under it.

At the mall, doctors office, school, work..etc. You may be surprised how many people you come across that speak the language you desire.

Remember the key is to write it down, even if you cannot spell it....just write it how it sounds and under it put the English translation. If the cashier speaks Spanish go to her line and ask her to teach you ONE phrase every time she sees you.
How much do I owe you?
Here is your change.
How is your day going?
What is on sale? etc....

The point is that wherever you are..the world is your classroom. Meet people, ask questions. But do not bombard them. Ask only 1 question at a time. This will keep you from becoming overwhelmed and neither will they. They won't run every time they see you. Instead you will both look forward to your interactions.

Use what you are learning. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. From that point on if you know how to say it in the Foreign it.! Even when speaking to an English speaking individual repeat the Spanish phrase mentally. You are making a mental imprint.

If you cannot speak to people or do not have any foreign speaking family members. Write down some of the things you say in English througout the day and Google it. The best way to learn is by hearing so look for videos. Mispronunciation can often change what you are trying to say entirely. You dont want to offend someone.

Why it Works
Think about it!! How old are you? Let's say for the sake of example you are 30, and for the last ten years you constantly added not just words, but phrases to your vocabulary. What would you know by now? So in the next 10 years what can you accomplish? Let's just say you learn two simple phrases a 10 years that's 1040 additional phrases...not words but actual interactions. Since the human brain often works as a decoder, you will in time begin to gain a more rapid understanding of the overall 1040 phrases becomes a conservative number. It could be thousands of phrases in those years.

Many people learn differently. For those who have busy lifestyles, it doesn't have to mean the end of learning. Some of us really do not have the time to add more to our plate. We do not want to sacrifice the quality of our families. By letting the world around you serve as a teacher, the possibilities are endless. So take a few seconds a week to learn something new. And you just might:
Tome un paseo por la vida y convertirse en un viajero en el camino.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

5 Tips to help your children behave in Public

The Misbehaving Child

You ever see.....I mean HEAR the child? You know the one that's 14 gazillion aisles over and you can hear them whining and screaming. "But I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant itttttttttt! waaaaah!!" Then they say "I hate you mommy, you are a meanie and I don't like you anyway!" You look around because you just had a flashback to your childhood. For a split second you see your life flash before your eyes, because you envisioned saying that to your parent...and instinctively you duck! You know that you would have been in instant know what I mean!

But you tune back in, I mean you can't help it, the whine is getting closer and closer. And you hear the Mom read from the Nowadays Mom script, "now I expect you to behave, your not being a good little boy, your the best sweetie but I'm going to put your toy back." And as the scream reaches a fever pitch, HERE follows the most famous Nowadays Mom line EVER.......drum roll!! "You are SO going to be in time out when you get home, mister!" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh what is wrong with her?

You walk away just in time, to see the other I'masecondfromlosingmymind Mom who is at her wits end. She is gritting her teeth, has a stern look on her face. This as her loud children touch everything in sight, hanging off her basket. She then says in a low deep (slightly demented tone), "Johnny you come back here, Rah-hight N-OWah!" (pronouncing each syllable slowly and purposely) he runs up and down the aisles, ignoring his mothers brewing rage,"HaWhyyy woooont yoooou Buh-hee-have?"Poooof, smoke just came out of her ears! She is on the verge of going postal...or leaving the kids in the basket and exiting the store alone. You think, "Woah lady take it down a notch!" But It's like they all read the same book, and are repeating the same lines.

And realistically many of us Mom's have been in either of these women shoes. We feel like we have no control over our kids and they do not listen.

And last but certainly not least is the I'getit Mom, that walks by. She is calm her children are chattering quietly, well groomed, behaving, they listen as though they each play a part in a symphony. And if your either of the first two Mom's you wonder, How she does it? They must just be good kids. Chances are, that it was, not just by chance. So, HOWDOES she do it? And how can you get there too?

What are some things you can do to help your children behave in a store?

Boundries, not everyone likes them, but everyone needs them. And these start when your child is very young. In infancy! Some things are Non-negotiable in life. Wearing a seat belt, you require it, because it makes them safe. Teaching them Good Behavior and Self-Control are just as important as that seat belt.

1. Plan ahead

Teach them how you expect them to behave in the store. BEFORE you shop! It takes a few times, but they WILL get it if you are CONSISTENT! If you want them to stay in the basket. Make them stay in the basket. As they get older, teach them that it is a privilege to walk with you, a responsibility. I used to say "If you cannot touch me, you are too far." And if one does not listen, have an immediate consequence. For a smaller child, that means you get in the basket for the rest of the trip. An older child, you hold on to the basket for the rest of the trip.

Tip- Be consistent.

2. Fair Warning

Fits! Screaming Tantrums, kicking legs, Saying mean things to you! Do Not allow it!!!!! Period. Remember the Seat belt..non-negotiabe. But teaching them that starts at home.

Before you go into the store remind them. While you are still calm and in the car! MOMS of the WORLD!!! It's okay to say with authority, "You better NOT.....pause....... under any circumstances.....pause....go into this store.....pause...... and scream, pause...kick, pause..... whine, or shout......longest pause. Do you understand? (Do not let them see you laugh, as you remember each purposeful pause, in your head) lol!

If they DO pitch a fit. Follow up with an immediate consequence...Here is the real dinger STICK WITH IT! So if you put back the toy, say "We are putting this back because you broke the rule, you did not listen, you threw a fit. And I warned you. Remember the conversation we had in the car. Now if you continue, you will be in trouble at home as well. AND I will not buy it the next time either." And if they do not stop, remind them the next time. "Well the last time you threw a fit, and remember I told you that if you did not stop that I would NOT buy it the next time either"......then here comes the balance. "Lets see if you can behave today, and we will see about the next time, OK?"

But if they did stop the fit last time, tell them "last time you had to leave your toy, today lets see how you do." Ask, "what is my rule about fits in the store?" Have them repeat it back to you, "no fits, no screaming, whining, kicking or shouting." Soon enough they will remember, and a quick reminder will be all it takes.

Its OK to give a warning when you see the whining or impatience beginning, just say "Ah ah, you sound like your starting too whine" or whatever the behavior is, "now would be the time to stop." NIP IT IN THE BUD! Before it really starts to get out of hand.

Tip- Tell them what you expect before hand. NIP BAD BEHAVIOR IN THE BUD

3. Feed them first

A hungry child can become frustrated easily. Of course there are times when you are rushing and they are hungry. This doesn't mean a free for all...."you didn't feed me so I can act crazyyyyyy!" You can say "I know your hungry, we will eat as soon as we are done. But I still expect you to behave."

Tip-Go after Breakfast or Lunch when they are least hungry or tired.

4. Fill in the blanks- Teach them what you expect of them.

Running up and down the aisles, Talking loud or all at the same time, Playing in Clothing displays, Hanging off the baskets, Touching Store Items, Asking, Can we get it? All of these can drive a mom cuckoo catchoo! But it seems like all kids have done one or all of these at some time or another. Once again here is where Mom comes in. Are you on the cellphone? Distracted? Tired? PMS'ing ing ing? Impatient? Maintaining order will help in these times.

Do they know what you expect? It's not always enough to tell a child not to do something. Its like leaving a blank, and you have to fill it in. So tell them what they can do. Preferably BEFORE hand. Like... "I expect you to walk next to me, but I am going to have you help me shop?"" Ok Johnny, We need apples, these are on sale, pick out 6 nice ones without dents. I'll hold the bag. Now you 3 stand there and behave like gentle men, and Timmy you are next, ok?" Then it's Timmy's turn. "Look at this bag of grapes, see these are moldy, can you gelp me pick one that's has good grapes in it? Are you 3 still behaving? Ok, just making sure."

See your in control, they each have a role and everyone feels important, not because Mommy keeps pouring on the false fake, Your the BEST line, every 3 seconds but because they develop a sense of accomplishment. By behaving well.

Tip- Prepare them ahead of time

5. The NOT EVERYTIME reward

And now your at the end of your shopping trip (IT'S TAKEN A FEW VISITS TO GET HERE) at the register...your boys have behaved like little aces, so you say.."since you've done well so far, How would you like to quietly pick out one candy each for .60 or less? Ok guys, quickly and quietly." Then when you get to the car, a simple "good jobs guys," and follow up with,"we wont get candy every time, so do not expect it" (just until they do not expect it for every trip). "But I am proud of you today!"

And then stop, take a little breath...pause..... smile! Because you both did it. You were the Igetit Mom today, that other Nowadays Moms can look too!

Tip- Be balanced, good behavior doesn't get a reward every time, it's an expectation you have.

Afternoon Music Break..Violinist

Today's afternoon Music Break features Vanessa Mae and other Violinist! Check out the street performer Bryson Andres.

Toccata and Fugue in D-Minor
Bond- Shine
Street Performer
Bryson Andres
Edge of Glory

Sea World Admission for Homeschoolers $6.00

Home Schooling in Southern California has it's advantages. There are many places that offer discounts to HomeSchoolers. Here are a few that we have found. Please feel free to comment on deals that you are aware of.

Sea World-

Available Dates
Oct. 10
Nov. 7

Jan. 23
Feb. 6
Mar. 6
Apr. 17
May 1

Instructional Field Trip program
9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
$6 per person.
Free for Passport members and Fun Card members.
Students, chaperones, and teachers pay the same low rate.
Full Day Instructional Field Trip program
Make the most of your time as you combine animals, shows, rides and education for a one-of-a-kind day at SeaWorld.
$30 fee per person for San Diego County School program participants. (Non-San Diego County Schools receive a reduced admission fee of $40 per person for an all-day field trip that includes shows, rides and attractions.)
Free for Passport members and Fun Card members.
Enhance your learning experience by adding on an In-Depth Tour.
We require at least one adult for every 10 students. The maximum ratio for Home Schools is one adult per one student. Extra adults and siblings not participating in the field trip with the school pay 20% off the regular SeaWorld admission price.
Education rates are available only by advance reservation and apply only to school groups of 10 or more paying participants. Prices are subject to change. For reservations or information please call (800) 25-SHAMU Press 4.


Home School Days - Official LEGOLAND California Site

Click to register or view prices and FAQ.

Home School Days - Official LEGOLAND California Site

Thought of the Day, THINK

Before you say it out loud
or tell someone else

is it?

K ind?



Monday, September 3, 2012

Thought of the Day


Afternoon Music Break...Michael Buble

After a long day I needed an afternoon music break. Decided to visit an old favorite! Michael Buble. Such a pretty song to sing along too. Hope your day is going well!
You don't know me..Michael Buble
Reminds me of my little sis...she loved this song...Home by Michael Buble  
Haven't met you yet..Michael Buble  
And finally.......The way you look tonight Hope you enjoyed a Michael Buble break! (: Did I get your favorite? Feel free to comment or add suggested songs.

Caramel Nacho Cheese Popcorn


I love popcorn. It is a timeless snack. This version turns the classic Caramel Popcorn into something Salty Sweet and and O' Soooo delicious! And of course Gluten free. Make this in a big batch separate into gallon bags and enjoy.. A great twist for gifting to a friend. With this recipe and your imagination you can make a few variations for your family.


4 cups fresh popped corn
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Gluten Free Nacho Cheese Powder (Kernel Seasonings)


Pop Popcorn according to directions.
Preheat Oven to 250 degrees
In a heavy saucepan melt butter, add sugar, butter and corn syrup. Stir over medium heat until boiling. Continue boiling 5 min. Keep and eye out, do not scorch, stir carefully with wooden spoon. Remove from heat; add vanilla and baking soda. Pour over popcorn, stir to coat well.

Spread onto a non-stick cookie sheet bake for 1 hr. I prefer lightly coated parchment helps reduce sticking.
Mix popcorn several times.
Remove from oven, sprinkle nacho cheese powder generously onto, break apart and store in tightly covered container.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gluten Free Fried Chicken

Gluten-Free Fried Chicken


1 lb Chicken Tender Breast Strips-Unfrozen

1 ½ Cups Gluten Free All Purpose Flour

1 Egg

½ Cup Milk or Water

1 Cup Canola Oil

Seasoning Mixture: Salt, Black Pepper, Onion Powder, Smoked Paprika

Chipotle, Achiote, Coriander, Mustard Powder, Cayenne Powder, Cumin



Heat Oil in Large skillet over medium high flame.
  1. In a bowl combine flour and seasoning mixture
  2. In separate bowl mix egg and milk together
  3. Dip Chicken in Flour Mix 1st, then in egg wash, re-dip in flour mixture.
  4. Place on small cooling rack or dry plate for a few minutes to dry, helps develop crust.
  5. Test oil with a bit of flour, if it begins to fry without burning you are good.
  6. Use tongs to place chicken in pan, do not let pieces touch. Fry for about 6-8 minutes, flip and slightly cover for another 6-8 minutes. Fry until golden and crisp.  Make sure heat stays consistent, lower if necessary.
  7. Remove and let rest.

Becoming Gluten Free

Gluten Free-Why?

When my husband rebounded from Microcytic Anemia, we noticed that although his Iron levels were up, he still suffered gastro-intestinal irritation. After a process of elimination we found that he was sensitive to Gluten. Having suffered from GERD for over a decade, he often had Doctor recommended dietary endorsements. Despite following this advice for years he still would suffer from heartburn and nausea. Interestingly some of the main culprits were Farina, Oatmeal and Bread. These foods although mild to many, would send an acidic firestorm up and down his esophagus. In time the belching would commence, and he would be miserable.

Being new to the world of a Gluten Free lifestyle was not easy at first. Trips to the store would often result in large amounts of money being spent on small packages of Gluten-Free items. I was trying to recreate our Gluten filled diet. I have to say that most of the gluten free foods tasted pretty good. In fact some were so good that I bought 2, one for him and one for the kids and I. These easily became some of our favorites:

Udi's Pizza Crust-

Almond Dream Bites-

Bobs Red Mills Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix-

Enjoy Life Snickerdoodles-

Sofella's Chocolate Cake Mix-

Jennies All Natural Gluten Free Macaroon-

Kinnikinnick Maple Donuts-

Winco Foods- Gluten Free Pasta by the Pound $1.59

Prego-Spaghetti Sauce

Organic Tamari Gluten Free Soy Sauce-

In time the newness faded and we discovered that a diet based on basic ingredients seemed to work the best for our family. Organic Greens and vegetables, along with potato or rice based sides began to shape our menu. It became increasingly easy to use these ingredients to explore new ways to prepare meals. I'll post some of our favorites like, Monterrey Chicken , Corn Salad, Asian Lettuce Wraps, Aussie Burgers, Thai Basil Fried Rice and more....but as for now Goooood Night.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Gluten Free 5 Minute Lasagna Salad

Gluten Free 5 Minute Lasagna Salad
First off, I cook based on principle and not exact measurements. Some of the best things are made up as I go along, and sometimes the results are just plain good. Times like this they are definitely worth sharing. Tonight I made something Gluten Free that everyone enjoyed. Especially the kids !!
Since we have discovered my husband's gluten intolerance, he has been craving Lasagna. I have seen the pasta online. However I have yet to see it at our local market. I pack my husband's lunch daily..and keeping it interesting and gluten free has been a fun challenge.
Many times I make a him a big salad, and dress it up. It's my go to lunch. Tonight I was out of a lot of this is what I came up with.
I filled a large rectangular bowl with Organic Spring Mix
I topped it with Finely shredded 3 Cheese Italian (Parmesan, Asiago, and Romano Cheeses)
Threw some Hormel Pizza Toppers Italian Sausage on top of that.
In a separate bowl I mixed:
1/2 Cup Ricotta
1-2 tsp Pizza seasoning..can substitute Italian seasoning
1/4 tsp Onion Powder
Salt/ Pepper to taste
Palm full of 3 cheese Italian
1/8 cup water
I microwaved that for a 1.5 minutes to melt cheeses and soften Italian seasoning.
In another bowl I poured some pre-made Mama Mary's Gourmet Pizza Sauce and microwaved it until it was hot.
I added the ricotta mixture to the top of the salad and then poured the warm pizza sauce over it all.
I stirred and all of the melted cheese coated the lettuce mixture as did the sauce.
The result was an awesome 5 minutes Lasagna Salad.
Next time I think I will make the kids some warm garlic bread to go with it. Gluten Free off Course. 

Kid Friendly Banana Foster -Gluten Free

Many Banana Foster recipes call for Rum. I utilize this kid friendly and Gluten-Free option often. I usually make this in a pinch, when the kids and I are craving something sweet and decadent. Although it doesn't taste like it, it is easily prepared in 5-7 minutes from start to finish.

2 ripe bananas

1/2 stick butter or margarine

1/4 Cup Brown Sugar

Peel bananas, slice in half and then lengthwise 1/2 inch thick.

Heat a non-stick skillet on medium high, add butter when it begins to bubble.

Add sliced bananas and a generous amount of cinnamon and about 1/4 cup brown sugar..eyeball it.

It should look like a light brown syrup, gently shake pan continually to mix as it cooks and thickens.
Be careful not to let it burn, on medium heat it only takes about 2-4 minutes to cook after the bananas are added.

Let it cool for a minute or so then pour over a bowl of Vanilla Bean Ice cream., and enjoy!

Gluten Free Aussie Burger Cheat and Bean Pie

I call this a Cheat because we have found an amiable Angus burger that is PRE-COOKED. Sorry for screaming I just wanted to shout it out! It is that Good! They are found in Costco. Often featured in the coupon book for a few bucks off, at full price $14.99 gets you 12 burgers. When I think of microwaved Burgers I envision cafeteria burgers, hard and dry...or little twin White Castles purchased in a moment of insanity as an ode to my days in Nashville.

They are neither of the above, these are Grown Up, Seasoned Juicy Angus Burgers. Did I mention they were GOOD! Thanks to the little Sample Ladies at the local Costco, I am hooked! Hi Y'all. One more thing..they are Gluten Free!

Gluten Free Burgers often leave two choices, protein style which usually equals Lettuce Wrapped or a Gluten free Bun..your choice. I personally prefer the's a mental thing. But my husband prefers the Lettuce Wrap approach. For the Aussie style it is a thick and busy concoction, so you may have to settle for a knife and fork. In the end how you get it in, is your business!

2 Angus Patties

1 sweet onion, sliced

2 eggs

2 slices Canadian bacon

2 slices Cheese..I prefer Smoked Cheddar

1 small can sliced beets

2 pineapple rings

1 small tomato sliced

Lettuce...Section leaves if wrapping

Organic Ketchup

Brown Deli Mustard

Claussen Kosher Dill Pickles Slices

Mayo (optional)

Gluten Free Buns (optional)

1 Bottle Gluten Free Beer (purely optional) But recommended.

Salt and Pepper

2 Tbsp Canola Oil

  1. Heat Burgers according to box..ok Nuk'em for 1-2minutes or throw on grill. (If you want to cook your own I recommend seasoning with a Steak seasoning, pan fry, and add a shot of beer to de-glaze pan in the last minute of cooking.)
  2. Heat 1tbsp oil in skillet on Medium. Add onions and season with a little Salt and Pepper. As they Soften add ¼ Cup Beer. Cook until limp.
  3. When onions are cooked, set aside and wipe out skillet. Add rest of oil, Fry egg Sunny Side up. Flip and set aside, In same pan heat Canadian Bacon, lastly in same pan fry Pineapple for 20-30 seconds on each side.
  4. Step 4 is optional. Toss drained beetroot into processor and pulse to make it spreadable. Or just drain and use sliced.
  5. Now depending on your choice of either Bun or Lettuce....Lettuce, Beef, Cheese, Beet, Egg, Ham, Pineapple Condiments, Wrap it..or Bun, Condiments, Beef, Cheese, Egg, Beet, Pickle, Bacon, Pineapple, Bun! Lots of Napkins!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Going from Public School to Home School

Change! Aah that word alone invites a variety of emotions! The transition from Public to Home school can be scary..even in the best of situations. Why?

If like myself you have been dropping off your kids to the local school, you know that moment when it's quiet and you can relish in your own thoughts. Oh the peace and quiet! Whatever will I do with myself? Shall I stop and get a coffee, make plans with friends, make a lunch date with my husband..For about 6 hrs I can roam FREEEEEE! Well...with the exception of chores and dinner. Ok, maybe not that free, but you get the idea.

Then for whatever reason, you decide to home school. For us the decision came about after much volunteering in the school. We had originally home schooled our oldest children a few years prior. When the recession hit, we both found it necessary to seek outside employment. We both grew up in public schools so we were not against it. So for 3 years we sent them. In those 3 years they were exposed to many things, ideas, and people. Some good and some bad.  Eventually the bad outweighed the good.

I could go on and on about the dysfunction of public school. Trust me I have stories, that make my stomach hurt. But I would much rather focus on the positive aspects of deciding to Home School instead.

I was really nervous at first. Although I had done it before, this time ALL of the children are in school. So I wondered if I was even capable. Fortunately for us there was a viable option, K12. It is a free home based public school.

Why did we choose this type of Home school?

 As I mentioned, we had home schooled a few years back. I was the primary teacher and did it both ways. Free public home school, and where I picked out all of the curriculum myself. When they were back in public school I felt like I had overlooked certain technical aspects of there education. That being said, they each won the science fair at grade level, multiple awards and were at the top of their classes. However their were things I missed, when I picked out the curriculum. An example was grammar, I did not teach them every rule.. predicates, and so on. Of course if you read this, you will see imperfections in my grammar. I BE DONE TOLD IT FIRST, I AINT ALWAYS THE BESTEST AT THAT GRAMMARFACATIONS STUFF. Math is not a strong point for me either. So I felt safer using a standardized curriculum. I like the fact that they have a teacher that I can refer to.

As parents we have always used daily life as a teacher. I learned this from my Mom, she always taught us and we didn't even notice that we were learning. If we are cooking, we discuss certain spices and their country of origin. If it's raining we talk about the water cycle and it's Creator. When we are driving, we explain laws and their importance. We do not keep things dry and monotonous. We expose them to Opera, Art, Foreign Languages. But in a way that appeals to them. Normal situation often present the best subjects. The result is that they are bright and open minded to a variety of things.We love that about them.

I remember when they were really small, they wanted to know where they were before birth. I simply told them that they were figments in our imagination. One day I over heard them playing an elaborate game. It sounded a lot like house. As I listened I realized that they had developed an entire game that they called figment-land. They were 2 and 4 yrs old. It reiterated the fact that children can learn and embrace difficult concepts at an early age.

My biggest worry I had about schooling them at home was keeping everything orderly during the day. It had become so much easier to do my housework when they were at school. I could clean and enjoy it staying that way. To combat this potential glitch, at beginning of summer we assigned age appropriate concrete chores. Everyone has a specific job to do all of the time. We did this so that they could get used to helping out on a bigger scale. It has helped a lot. To avoid chaos we created work areas for schoolwork. For my personal sanity I purchased adult furniture that matches our decor. I did not want our living area to look like a Kinder class. Costco had a great deal on an 8 cube bookcase with canvas bins for $109.00.(Pictures are in my product review section.) A challenge we initially faced was getting them back on a sleep schedule. My husband came up with a solution. He wakes them up early, around 6am. We read the bible and then he does P.E with them. Works out well. They are falling asleep earlier. We all are. School shopping- we still do it. They like picking out school clothes, and getting dressed each day.

 I love the feeling that comes Monday morning when you hear all of the buses passing by. I look over at our children and enjoy the fact that they are no longer rushed or worried about whats popular today. Just then my daughter appears and pleads, Mom can you please turn on You tube so that I can listen to Tchaikovsky, while I work? It helps me learn." Love it!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blogging...Learning the ropes, the hard way!

A hard lesson

Learning about How to Blog and What to Blog about is a challenge. What are the rules? How do you promote it?  If you know please feel free to contact me..or comment below.

I've always been a bit on the old fashion side. Go door to door. Talk to people. Go where there is a need. Yesterday I thought I was doing just that. I went to a health forum. In particular one about GERD, Acid reflux. You know, I would think that most of the people who suffer from that condition would like a heads up. After all we had no clue that a simple medicine like Omeprazole could cause my husband such serious side affects. So just in case some others are unaware, I went. My account was immediately suspended! This is my story...duh duh duh!

Upon contacting the administrator I was told....well I'll just share the gist of our conversation.
Ever see those commercials saluting the Real Men of Genius...the following conversation is written with the announcers voice in

Me: I logged in to see my account was suspended. I was not advertising as I make NO MONEY from my blog. My husband suffers from GERD and almost died from a condition known as Microcytic anemia, caused by his daily dose of Prilosec, Nexium and generic omeprazole. I did not feel that it would be ethical to copy the story directly to the site as it was long, but pertinent for other members. Did you read the story? It had no advertising. If it would have been better to leave experience at site, than please allow me to do that? But suspending my account, that was extreme. Thanks
Kashmere Davi.
the experience is at my blog no advertising....

Administrator: Whether or not you make money from it, you may not advertise it here

Me: So can I just post the actual experience then? Thanks

Administrator: You may not. The ban stands.

Me: lol ok thats funny. Have a nice day! A little intense but funny, nevertheless.

Today I learned a harsh lesson...the health forum is a cold place. Just kidding, there are some really kind people there. I will never see them again though, because with the administrator there are no second chances. Lol. So Today, I Salute You  Health Forum playing Chin up..I'm moving on! Still learning the ropes of blogging.

Has this ever happened to you? The blogging roadbloack? Not the Video..

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dangers of Omeprazole

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Do you or someone you know take acid reducers?

Are you taking them correctly? Answering this question wrong could mean your life, or of someone you love. For my husband it almost did!

An early grave

  Our journey began one year ago, when we received a call on a Thursday. My husband and I had both went in for our annual check-ups. The nurse calls and asks "Can Mr. Davi come in, right now?" Right now?" I thought, that seems pretty I asked him as he was passing by on his way to the Movies with our son. He responded, "See about tomorrow,"and out the door he went.

 The next morning could not come quick enough. Everyone knows that when a Dr. that you have met only once calls, and says Come in NOW, something is majorly wrong. And it was!

  For the pass 7-9 Months, maybe even longer, my husband had been complaining of extreme fatigue. His new work schedule had him working upwards of 70 hrs a week. Aside from being tired he had developed severe migraines, nausea, and shortness of breath. A short trip up a small flight of stairs left him breathless. He often complained of pressure or pain  in his diaphragm area. A few weeks before the Dr's visit, he began to suffer numbness on his left side.

 In the months preceding this, his personality had began to change. And as a wife that was my biggest worry. Simple questions like how was your day? Were met with a short, work is work!  Not only had he become short, but he was impatient, had  memory loss, and severe weakness that often kept him in bed or on the couch. He has always been an active person. At a glance he was a big and tall 33 yr old, but now with absolutely no drive in life. What had happened to my husband?

  Fast forward to August and we are sitting in the exam room. The Dr. comes in, sits down, looks at him and takes a deep breath. You could have heard a pin drop, but instead he pulls out the blood test and revealed that he had a condition called microcytic anemia. His hemoglobin count was so low (7.5) that he wanted to send him for a Hospital Immediately for a Transfusion. That was an absolute no! The Dr. explained that he had been anemic for so long that his red blood cells had become extremely small. He warned that if he ever developed numbness and or shortness of breath that those were immediate signs of danger and that he could suffer a stroke or heart attack. Well obviously we were passed that point! 

He explained that for a man to develop anemia is rare. For a meat eating man its even rarer..unless they suffer from  a blood disorder or are an ulcer. He was not, but it would be weeks until we found that out.

  We left the office with a prescription for Ferro-Sequel a potent Iron and Nexium. And directions to eat lots of Liver. And he told him  not to move, to just sit down or lay. He was taken off of work for what ended up being the next 2 months.
 For the next few weeks we were back and forth...would he need erythropoetin? What was the cause? An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was scheduled to rule out anything intestinal. We were told to bring him to the hospital if he ever loss consciousness. Fortunately he never did.

  Instead we went home and did lots of research on what we could use to build up his blood. It's a funny what you have filed away in your case of a life emergency. All I could think about was Chlorophyll and Sea Greens. So this is what we did. We purchased:
1. Chlorophyll in Liquid form
2. Wheat grass Raw and in Powder, some times at Juice it up
3. Biotta Naturals Beet juice at the health food store
4. Welch's Grape Juice
 5. Pineapple Juice per his Mom
6. Floradix- Liquid Iron 1-2x daily
I mixed it, and he drank that every time I looked at him. If he wasn't eating  he was drinking or sleep. I juiced carrots, fruits and veggies when I could. I made green smoothies to mix it up. But these were always in addition to the mixed Juice.  I'm tired just thinking back, it was a lot of work, but it was worth it.

Along with that he took  Spirulina, Kyoto Chlorella, tablets with each meal.
The Ferro-Sequel with Juice at meal time.

He mainly ate:
 Steak, I chopped it. Pan fried it. Grilled it! Got it from the Steakhouse down Street! Beef Liver,that I begrudgingly prepared with onions. I did everything to kill the taste and appearance ewwww!, Chicken, Turkey and when I was dead tired a Burger with no cheese from Freddy' I was tired a lot. They know me by name!

 Spinach (In everything I could put it in), Kale, Collard Greens,  Broccoli, Beets,  Sweet Potatoes, OK so He ate like a king!

Apples Blueberries, Watermelon, Grapes, Acai Juice from Costco....sorry he is picky!

Iron Kids Bread, Hamburger Buns
Almonds became a mainstay snack and I even had him try Dried Unsulphured Apricots..he only ate those because I told him how much I paid for them.
After much time the conclusion was reached.
He did not have an ulcer. BUT What he did have was a routine that was leading him to an early grave.

Acid Reducers
 For many years he took a prescription acid reducer before he ate his main meal. And for a while he took one in the morning and one in the evening 20mg each. Most of the time they were Omeprazole. Interestingly these block iron absorption majorly.

Your stomach is an amazing machine. Like a factory it produces a product that your body needs, in this case it is stomach acid. Now when you have acid reflux, your doctor often gives you something like Omeprazole. It tells your stomach not to produce the acid. You feel relief. But each time you eat, your stomach would typically produce acids that aid in both digesting your food and absorbing vital nutrients. In this case Iron. Over a period of time if your body is not absorbing iron from your meals. You become Anemic. In the case of my husband Severely Anemic.
Like a detective working a cause we had to look at all of the clues. When he became anemic, he also became tired. When he became tired he began to drink coffee, energy shots and drinks. The problem became compounded. The more Caffeine he consumed, the more his Iron absorption was inhibited...ok BLOCKED! And if he ate cheese which has calcium..which blocks iron too, well..... Now with no Iron being absorbed, he worked his body, putting strain on all of his available resources, his stores were running out! And so was his time.
I am happy to say that he has recovered, in those two months his blood went up to a 13 and it has now returned to Normal. From time to time he still takes Omeprazole. Usually at night or around a small meal. He doesn't suffer Migraines, Weakness, Fatigue or Memory Loss anymore...except for that time period. Each week that passed he also returned. He is a big Guy with a Big Laugh. It never ceases to amaze me that others still look at him and say It's so nice to hear you laugh again,"and they are right it is!